Choose a Wordtracker plan

Get the power of Wordtracker for as little as $24 per month.
Choose a plan below to get started...

👈 Psst... you can save up to 40% by paying annually instead!


Low cost. High value.

$17/month $195 billed yearly (Save $93 per year)
$24/month Cancel any time
1,000 keyword results
10 domain competitors
1 ranking list
1,000 ranking keyword results
7 territories

Search Console integration
Domain keywords and analysis
Competition metrics
Cancel any time


Supercharge your SEO.

$38/month $449 billed yearly (Save $379 per year)
$69/month Cancel any time
1,000 keyword results
20 domain competitors
5 ranking lists
5,000 ranking keyword results
15 territories

Search Console integration
Domain keywords and analysis
Competition metrics
Cancel any time


Dominate the competition.

$54/month $640 billed yearly (Save $548 per year)
$99/month Cancel any time
2,000 keyword results
50 domain competitors
10 ranking lists
10,000 ranking keyword results
200+ territories

Search Console integration
Domain keywords and analysis
Competition metrics
Cancel any time
You rock and I look forward to using you guys for the foreseeable future.
Thanks for being less expensive than Ahrefs for my basic SEO needs.
— Josh S